The Russian General Studbook management 1941 - 1993

To the General Director of
The State Association Turkmen Atlary
G.K. Kiarizov
from A.G. Grigoriev

Volumes I and II of the State General Stud Book were hand-written at the beginning of this century, there were several copies of each compiled by Gorelov and Mazanov. Unfortunately, these manuscripts have been lost. Volume III of the Central Asian breeds was published in 1941 in Tashkent by M.I. Belonogov.

It contains two sections.

In the first section Akhal-Teke horses are listed:

Stallions - from 1 to 287
Mares - from 1 to 468

A special section separates horses which have different proportion of pure blood.

Second Section - Iomud Horses

Stallions - from 1 to 174
Mares - 1 to 215

Volume 4 of theGeneral Stud Book:
Stallions - 288 to 664
Mares - from 469 to 1091

Published in 1952 in Moscow.
The volume compiled by: The Head of Breeding Programme of the Ministry of Agriculture V.V. Schetinin and Senior Inspector E.A. Pokonova. Edited by Senior Researcher of Zoology of the Zoological Selection Institute of the Turkmen Academy of Sciences, Master of Agricultural Sciences M.I. Belonogov and Junior Researcher K.E. Limaev.

Volume V of the General Stud Book of the Akhal-Teke breed was published in 1975 in Moscow.

It includes:

Stallions - from 665 to 849
Mares - from 1092 to 1406

The volume compiled by breeding technologists M.D. Cherkezova, M. Durdymukhammeddov, A.G. Grigoriev, B.Salikov, A.B. Solodovnikova, edited by M.I.Belonogov, Turkmen Research Institute of Animal Sciences. Acknowledgements also to V.P. Shamborant, V.A.Avanesov, V.Iu. Kologrivov.

Volume Vi of the General Stud Book of Akhal-Teke breed was published in 1981 in Moscow.

It includes:

Stallions - from 850 to 936
Mares from 1407 to 1706

It also includes information on breeding use of mares in volumes III, IV and V of the General Stud Book.

The volume compiled by the Award-winning Breeding Specialist of the Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic M.D. Cherkezova, Senior Breeding Specialist of the Ashkhabad Regional State Breeding Centre A.G. Grigoriev, V.P. Shamborant, V.Iu.Goncharov.
The following also took part in gathering the information: Junior Researcher of the Turkmen Research Institute of Animal Sciences M. Durdymukhameddov, Breeding Specialists V.A. Avanesov, A.S. Saliev, A. Annaev, Sh.I. Khorramdel, G.B. Chimidov, V.Iu. Kologrivov.
The volume was prepared for publication by T.N. Riabova, N.T. Lapshina, T.N. Dukhanina. Under the general editorial supervision of the leading Breeding Specialist of the Department of Stud Books of the Central Organisation for Animal Breeding of the Ministry of Agriculture of USSR G.A. Kniazeva.

Volume VII of General Stud Book was published in 1988 in Moscow.

It includes:

Stallions - from 937 to 972
Mares from 1707 to 1884

It also includes information on breeding use of stallions and mares recorded in the previous volumes.

The volume was prepared by Breeding Specialists: G.A. Grigoriev, V.A.Avanesov, A.Annaev, V.P. Shamborant, Z.A. Alibekov, K.S. Smagulov, G.B. Chimidov. Editors: Award-winning Breeding Specialist of the Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic M.D. Cherkezova and Breeding Specialist G.A. Kniazeva.

General editorial supervision by the Head of the Department of Selection and Breeding of the Agro-industrial Complex of USSR N.F. Petrov and Senior Researcher of the Department N.K. Sokolova.

The volume is prepared for publication by Researchers of the VNIIK T.N. Riabov, A.I. Aleshina, A.S. Klimuk and T.N. Dukhanina.

Volume VIII of the General Stud Book was published in 1989 in Riga.

It includes:

Stallions - from 973 to 1017
Mares from 1885 to 2087

It also includes information on breeding use of stallions and mares recorded in the previous volumes.

The volume compiled by: Senior Breeding Specialist of the Ashkhabad Regional State Breeding Centre A.G. Grigoriev, Junior Staff Member of the Turkmen Research Institute S.Kul'mammedov, Breeding Specialists V.S. Avanesov, A. Khuseinov, V.P. Shamborant, A.S. Klimuk, Z.A. Alibekov, G.B. Chibidov. Editors: Award-winning Breeding Specialist of the Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic M.D. Cherkeova and Master of Biological Sciences A.V. Shilova. The volume prepared for publication by Senior Researcher T.N. Riabova and Senior Breeding Specialist of the All-Union Research Institute for horsebreeding T.N. Dukhanina.

Volume IX of the General Stud Book was published in 1993 in Divovo (near Riazan').

It includes:

Stallions - 1018 to 1115
Mares - 2088 to 2514

The volume compiled and prepared for publication solely by the Staff Members of the All-Union Research Institute for Horsebreeding.

The question thus arises: who made available to the All-Union Research Institute for Horsebreeding the information about the results of breeding work in all the regions where the Akhal-Teke horses are being bred?

G.A. Grigoriev


Information about the loss of archival documents

The Turkmen Republic State Breeding Centre and Ashkhabad Regional State Breeding Centre founded in mid-1975 were situated in the same building. In 1976 M.D. Cherkezova and T.N. Riabova arrived at the State Breeding Centre. From the store in the basement they brought out a plywood box containing archive documents, books etc which they loaded into a car and took them away. I heard about this from V.I. Glushenko - Chief Breeding Specialist of the Ashkhabad Regional Selection Centre. I was working that day, unloading chaff from a lorry. Later on I asked M.D. Cherkezova "Why did you take away in my abscence the box with the documents on horse breeding" and she replied that the box contained some of her own books which she took away.


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