Date: February 2000
Q: Can you recommend any literature about Turkmenistan

A: Burnaby, Fred
A RIDE TO KHIVA: Travels and Adventures in Central Asia
A tall, powerful man reputedly able to carry a small pony under his arm, Captain Burnaby of the Royal Horse Guards undertook an arduous journey late in 1875 to find out what was going on in Turkestan territory forcibly annexed by Russia two years before.
LC79-115513 New York, 1877
ISBN: 040503010X $23.95
Lansdell, Henry
RUSSIAN CENTRAL ASIA, Including Kuldja, Bokhara, Khiva and Merv
In 1882 this Anglican clergyman traveled more than 3,150 miles through Russian Central Asia by wagonette, boat and horse- or camel-back. The resulting volumes provide one of the most comprehensive surveys of the area ever published by a non-Russian.,
LC79-115556 London. 1885
ISBN: 040503041X 2vols. in 1 $70.95
Vambery, Arminius
TRAVELS IN CENTRAL ASIA; Being the Account of a Journey front Teheran Across the Turkoman Desert on the Eastern Shore of the Caspian to Khiva, Bokhara, and Samarcand. Performed in the Year 1863
LC73-115592 New York, 1865
ISBN: 0405030738 $37.95
Atkinson, Thomas Witlam
ORIENTAL, AND WESTERN SIBERIA: A Narrative of Seven Years' Explorations and Adventures in Siberia, Mongolia, The Kirghis Steppes, Chinese Tartary and Part of Central Asia
LC75-115504 New York, 1858
ISBN: 0405030029 $33.95

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