PermaLink Feet in Florida 09/02/2005 11:23 AM
The feet of the horse are really growing fast here. In Sweden we trimmed with a 6-8 week interval, I realise now that we will have to be on a 5 week interval on our horses here. The ground here is sand which makes Florida to one big training arena, just remove the grass and take out the harrow and you have a perfect surface for training. The sand is of the quality we call "bunker sand" in Sweden, when you sqeeze it in your hand it forms into a ball and does not run through your fingers. It is really a good surface for the horses to work and play on. So eventhough the horses have been trimmed the same day they are ok outside and show no pain from the feet. We must be careful though to also make the horses work on a hard surface like asphalt or concrete every now and then. But the need for shoes is different here from in Sweden.
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