PermaLink Homo Parasiticus09/07/2005 10:51 AM
Here at our stud farm we do know how to battle parasites on horses, there are several sprays and dewormers on the market. But what can we do about the people that without ethics and morals steal and prosper on others work and property. If we take a nice photo of one of our horses we want to show it to prospective buyers and to interested in the breed. If we breed a nice horse we are proud of it and of course want to be credited for the horse.  Horse breeding is about science, facts, statistics and knowledge but also an art. A good horse is a piece of art in our eyes.

Over the years our work has been copied, once the whole was stolen and translated to another language, that site was removed when we contacted the repsonsible part.

Todd had his studbook database copied and stolen by someone who is now trying to sell parts of it. The thief was contacted and responded by threatening to have Todd beaten up badly. That was one of the reason to why that database is no longer accessible by the public.  

We often see our photos on other web sites without correct copyright information, we try to contact the photo thieves as often as we see copyright violations but with all web sites coming up it is nearly impossible to keep up. Most of the people we contact though respect our standpoint and either remove the photo or add credits to photgrapher and link to our web site. It is so easy to just drop an email to us and mostly we agree on others using our photos as long as we are credited. The photos of Akhal-Tekes from all over the world are not produced by the web, a person has been travelling and made many efftorts to take the photos, please credit him or her for that. Without people that leave their computers and travel with their cameras we will not have photos of ATs to share.  

Only a few months ago the stud farm where our foal Ailar is stabeled, had photos of horses stabled at her stud farm taken by a professional photographer. The photos where used to promote the stud farm as well as the photographer. We weren't even asked if we wanted our foal photographed. Photos of  Ailar was published under the false pretentions that he was the property of the German stud farm and also under a false name. I sent several emails and made phone calls leaving messages to the photographer, begging her to correct the mistake, I even offered her money to correct the false info she published on her web site. The only answer I got was by her lawyer, who happened to be the same person as the owner of the stud farm that I should beware because the photographer was a VIP in the equine world!!!

And now the latest, a painting shows up on Ebay, the painting is a detailed copy of a photo Todd took a few years ago of one of our breedings.
The artist is called Gina Seglin and she did not contact Todd and she is not crediting him or disclose that her work of art is from a photo stolen from the photographer.
I have today emailed her and our correspondance will be published on my blog.

We do pursue all copyright violations because we think it is important that we all respect eachothers work and the we are all honest and live on our own merits not on others!  

Comments :v

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