PermaLink Double focus 09/15/2005 09:04 PM

My youngest daughter Kimberly is already very good with her digital camera. She documented when Pekhimli was training to stop on command when being lounged.

When I ws working with Pekhimli I thought of how difficult it must be for the horses to learn commands from different horse cultures and languages. We teach our horses to always stop on a prrr sound, that an American probably cannot even pronounce.
Once, and only once, I tried an Icelandic horse, the woman who owned the Icelandics told me not to say prrr because that was the commands for Icelandics to increase speed. I can tell you that when an Icelandic horse increases speed nothing really happens compared to when you ask a Teke to go "full macaroni" as our old stable girl used to say.

I trust my horses to be quicker than I am to learn new commands though, I cannot really say woa to stop a horse when I my whole life have used prrr.

Look at Pekhimli's double focus, one year and eye on me and one ear and eye on Kimberly and still stops on prrr.
And look at Kimberly's first attempt's as a horse photographer, I would say not bad!

A picture named M2    A picture named M3

Comments :v

1. maria09/19/2005 18:40:18

Well done, Kimberley! More photos please, particularly of training sessions.

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