PermaLink Pictures of our first export from Sweden to the USA02/21/2006 07:00 PM

Asman was born in 1998 and he was exported to California in 2000.

He is the only pure bred son from Almaz and the only offspring from Guldenze that is still alive.
I really like this portrait of him as a 6 year-old, photo is taken by the proud owner Heather Blackmore.

A picture named M2  

Comments :v

1. Allegra Steck02/21/2006 21:50:00

Goodness, Jessica, what happened to Gul ?


PS Lovely picture...:)

2. Alexandr02/22/2006 13:13:27

Allegra, say please, who is ersatz mother of Samovar?

3. Allegra Steck02/22/2006 13:31:00

I am sorry Alexander, I do not understand your question ?


4. Jessica 02/22/2006 15:18:26

Allegra. We had to euthanize Gul due to injuries she got in a trailer accident. It was a very sad day when Gul had to leave us.

5. Allegra Steck02/22/2006 15:25:30


My sympathies to you and Todd. What a tragedy to lose such a lovely mare so young, and one you had bred and raised and had such hopes for.


6. Alexander02/22/2006 15:57:30

Dear Allegra, you have first expierence of embrio transplantation in akhalteke breed. Can you inform me pedigree of parents of this foal and his ersatz mother.
Best regards
A. Klimuk

7. Allegra Steck02/23/2006 01:22:58

Dear Mr Klimuk,

I am sorry, but I cannot claim the first embryo transfer foal in the Akhal-Teke breed, there were others born here in the US before Samovar, in addition there are some other ET foals currently in-utero now, due this year, although none of them are mine.

But to answer your question, Samovar is sired by Gindarkh 13 (Gaukhar x Takappara), out of Senova (Senetir x Oliva). His surrogate mother was a mare that I bred and have owned since birth.


8. Alexander02/23/2006 13:22:45

Mrs. Steck, thank you for your reply.
Best wishes.

9. Allegra Steck02/23/2006 15:25:07

Dear Mr. Klimuk,

I am not yet a Mrs., but you are welcome.

I wonder if I might then pose a question to you, assuming Jessica does not mind the utilization of her Blog space for it ?


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