PermaLink Fri avelsrådgivning för achaltekeerintresserade i Sverige 04/17/2006 02:32 PM
Avelssäsongen är igång och det är dax att betäcka och kanske till och med köpa en achaltekeerhäst.

Jag står gärna till förfogande för avelsrådgivning samt råd och tips för inköp av achaltekeerhästar.
I Sverige ser det ut som det erbjuds två hingstar till allmän avel. Kontakta mig gärna för mer info om dessa då jag har god kännedom om bägge två vad gäller svagheter och förtjänster.

Comments :v

1. Hege05/02/2006 07:40:35
Homepage: http://NA

Dear Jessica,
thank you for a fantastic website, very informative and honest! Brilliant.. As I am hooked on this breed, , I was wondering how I should approach buying one.. Please could you help?
Will I be able to buy a quality horse from Sweden, or should I consider going to studs elsewhere in Europe? Or even from yourselves (although it would be a loong journey)?
Dressage and endurance riding are my main interests, as this type of horse is so gifted in these fields it would be fantastic to get hold of one. Is there a certain line of akhal teke I should consider? Also, I am willing to go far to get hold of one, price wise as well..How much for a 3 year old quality akhal teke (not a stallion, though)..approximately?
I was also wondering, how long do they live, and are there any types of problems (health wise) to consider? The horse would be living in Norway or Sweden, depending where I end up living!
Also, is there any way of getting advise on their diet, which should be high in protein..? Do you feed your horses that way?
Any advise and comments are very much appreciated, I am grateful if you take the time to read and answer me!
Thank you
Best regards Hege.

2. Jessica 05/05/2006 11:41:04

Hello Hege. You will never regret buying your first Teke, only the Teke less years you had before you sat on your first one.
The Teke breed is very versatile, willing to work and athletic. Combine that with fast reactions and boldness and you have your Formula 1 of the equines. I recommend every first time buyer to take your time to find your Teke, during your quest for your dream Teke you will learn a lot and meet with many interesting Teke breeders that will all have something to teach you.
I would suggest that you start out in Moscow in August to attend to the Moscow Show, there you can see many Tekes performing in different disciplines as well as meet with many Teke people.
Also check my blog for planned competitions and test for the Tekes bred by us that are still in Sweden.
If you buy a Teke without visible health and soundness defects that has had a good upbringing with food and excercise you will have a long time friend, 25 years and above is what to expect.
Tekes need to be fed like any other horse breed, a base of high quality forage (hay or ensilage harvested for horses) complemented with a broad based high proteine feed that will be adjusted to the age of the horse and from what you ask the horse to do.
Tekes compete and train successfully in many equestrian disciplines, most of them compete on national level but we have at least two, Absent (dressage) in the 60's and Pelvan/Love Over Gold (FEI endurance) in the 90's that have competed on international level.
Do feel free to share your experiences in your Teke quest here on the blog. You are of course welcome to visit us in Florida any time!

3. Hege05/08/2006 04:57:15

Dear Jessica,
Thank you so much for your reply, I am so excited about this and cannot wait to get to know people with knowledge and make contacts! I realise there is a lot to learn, and it is not going to be like when I bought my previous horses! I have ridden english thoroughbreds and arab horses and absolutely adored them, but I have the impression that with the Tekes you are getting the best of "all horseworlds"! Not to mention their extraordinary beauty..

I will definitely take your advise and take my time. It will be fairly easy for me to check out Tekes in Sweden when I leave England later this year and I will certainly try to attend the bigger events. If I can convince my husband to come to USA with me I will visit you as well!! I am impressed by your work and professionalism, it is so important to be able to trust breeders.
I must admit I really like the photos she looks stunning, well educated and she has a very good expression in her eyes.

I have to say, it is hard to get any literature on the akhal-tekes, especially trustworthy literature it seems? I am currently trying to purchase the book "the turkmen horse in iran", is there any other literature around? I have to admit that at the moment I am searching the net all the time, for pictures, information, anything about these horses.
It's a bit of an obsession I guess, but hey, who can blame me?
Thank you so much for your time and help!

Kind regards,

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