PermaLink Going back to my roots06/25/2006 06:40 PM
Orion went back to his roots today...

he modelled Turkmen tack.

Comments :v

1. Jessica D.06/25/2006 19:45:48

That's a cool picture! Where can you get those things...don't know what they are called...for the Tekes? When I get my own Teke I will want to have some for it.

2. Blanca06/26/2006 07:20:24

Excellent picture, and remarkable poll bent (is it called like this?)...very teke. I guess it comes from Osman.

Any picture of Ailar?

3. Jessica 06/30/2006 10:44:45

Jessica D. Hopefully we will be able to offer a few Turkmen items on our show. If you have a Teke it is nice to have traditional tack for important occassions.

4. Jessica 06/30/2006 10:49:02

Blanca. Yes Orion got his zatylok from Osman, one of the traits we look for in a breeding stallion.
I and the mini-grooms are planning a trip to Californiasoon, will bring the camera and hopefully come back with nice pictures of Ailar and other Tekes there.

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