PermaLink Our Tekes through professional equine photographer's eyes.08/01/2006 11:12 AM
I am still thrilled over the opportunities we have here in Florida to take really nice photos of the Tekes.

The sun and the special light conditions as well as the beautiful grand oaks makes almost every day a perfect day for photography.
We have had professional equine photographers visiting us twice, Dwain and Daniela Snyder in February and Cookie Originals two weeks ago.
I think both of them did a great job.
You can check out their photos on the following web sites Dwaine and Daniela and Cookie

Here is one of my favourites. The photo was taken two weeks ago by Cookie.

Comments :v

1. Tabitha08/02/2006 04:36:22


2. Leonid08/02/2006 09:04:04

Очень хорошо!!!

3. Jessica D.08/02/2006 13:09:58

GREAT picture! ....I can't wait till I can take some of my own photographs of Akhal-Tekes! :)

4. Kerstin08/08/2006 18:12:40

Hejsan Jessica!
Satt och läste på distans sidan då jag fann detta!
Vad kul att du fann din drömhäst! Lite långt ifrån Glenn eller hur :)
Själv rider jag en Arab och tävlar lite i distans.Tycker att denna rasen Akhal-Tekes verkar så underbar!
Kramar Kerstin ( hade halvblodet Fia och stod i samma stall på Österby)

5. Heather Mahoney08/09/2006 10:24:42

Hello to all!
I am back on the blog now, as we've been away most of the summer, and had very little internet access. It is good to catch up on my AT blog reading!
The pictures are wonderful! I think I am personally partial to Cookie's photos, but they are all very nice, and show your horses off quite well.
Jessica, will any of your horses be participating in any shows coming up this season? Peter and I are not so far away that we would not love to drive up to be part of the AT cheering crowd. Please do let us know. Also, how are plans for the 2007 show going? Needless to say, we are beyond excited about this future event.
Hello again to all, and I look forward to being back in touch.

6. Jessica08/10/2006 11:09:42

Hej Kerstin,
Det ■r s■klart jag kommer ih■g dig! Vi tr■ffades senare p■ Gotlandsb■ten o du hade n■gra Dobermans vad jag kan komma ih■g?
Kul att h■ra av dig efter s■ m■nga ■r! Jag har verkligen hittat mina dr■mh■star o k■nner mig s■ priviligierad att f■ jobba med himmelska h■star n■stan p■ heltid.
Via vilken distanssida hittade du min blogg? Vilka distanser rider du p■ din Arab? Det finns en Tekeerkorsning efter min gamla hingst Almaz undan Aska, Margret Edlunds framg■ngsrika distanssto p■ Gotland.
H■r g■rna av dig igen!

7. Jessica 08/10/2006 11:11:31

Heather, welcome back to the blog, we will when the times come of course let the Florida fan club know as soon as a Teke will be entered into a show. Updates about the Sunshine Teke Show will be published on the blog everytime we have some news.

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