PermaLink The importance of temperament in riding horses confirmed by Swedish survey12/14/2006 03:11 PM
It is encouraging to read the latest comparison between the breeding goals set up by the Swedish Warmblood assocaition and what the market wants.

I wish we had more of this investigated in our breed, this is so interesting and important for us breeders that plan for breeding the horses that people will ride tomorrow. I can only foresee an increasing competition among breeds for top riders. We can only hope that we produce good enough Tekes so that our breed will be one of those chosen by good riders from all disciplines.
The Swedish survey performed by the Swedish University of Agriculture in Uppsala asked riders, trainers and breeders if they were familiar with the present breeding plan for the SWB and if they agreed with the plan.
The survey was initiated by the present discussions about the idea to have two different goals within the plan, one for dressage horses and one for jumpers.
Few supported the plan to have two breeding goals, but here is the most interesting part, more than 80% of the horse users asked wanted the breeding plan to focus more on temperament in the horses, with temperament in this survey is meant, rideability, work ethics and sensitiveness.
The horse users found that there could be better ways than today to measure the temperament in the riding horse.
Within the 80% that asked for a breeding plan more focused on temperament, was the dressage riders. That is understandable as they spend so much time training details over and over again and really need horses with work ethics and sensitiveness.

The Teke breed really has an opportunity here, the typical Teke does have very good rideability, tons of work ethics and supernatural sensitiveness.
Breeders should really focusing on conserving and improving these traits, and buyers should be educated to ask for them.

Comments :v

1. BAISSUS PIERRE01/01/2007 11:06:54

Akhal teke horses can't compete with the "selle français" and the main german breeds for jumping. In Europe, the the increasing activity is endurance... that is the future of akhal teke! Some horses in top world competitions and our favorite breed will rocket up.

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