PermaLink Yazpolad passed away01/10/2007 10:15 AM
in December. He was a great Teke stallion with the look, the type, the conformation and the gaits of a true Teke, he was a joy to ride and handle

a really good Teke stallion is gone. Yazpolad lived his last years in Switzerland.
Hopefully he will find Osman in the Teke heaven, they were stable mates in Sweden and came to like eachother really well.

Comments :v

1. maria01/10/2007 10:43:44

Oh, what a shame! He was wonderful, so many of us admired his "portrait" in a bridle... I nearly met him - he moved out of a stable near Geneva just a few weeks before my friend put her English TB there.

2. Jessica D.01/10/2007 12:50:41

That is sad... how old was he?

I tried to email and call you btw, Jessica. I am wanting to find out if you have any information as to when your Teke show will be. My husband needs to put in for time off ahead of time so we can be sure to be there. I really want to go but I need a date. Thanks!

3. nathalie01/10/2007 16:17:19

his half brother ARAB (Pudok - Aibelek) passed away too last summer
I liked very much this horse as well as Yaspolad...the teke look
ARAB lived in France since 2000 and he has now lots of children

4. Jessica 01/11/2007 13:35:15

Jessica, Yazpolad was 15 years old when he passed away.
I guess our spamfilter has decided that you cannot send me private emails. I do not have a spamfilter on my cell phone though.
I will let you and others interested know the date as soon as it is cleared with all parts involved.
Nathalie, did Arab get any interesting sons in France?

5. nathalie01/12/2007 08:01:01

Jessica < there is an interesting yearling of Arab born in 2006 ; the mare is Zorka (by Orlan)
the breeders want to use a colt as a stallion : called Artist (Arab/Kamalia by Dorkush)
you can see all stallions in France on the new website of the french akhal teke association
you click on the right on "Etalons et saillies"

6. Jessica01/12/2007 09:43:23

Nathalie, what a nice web site! I will blog about it today.
Beautiful, transparent and user friendly.
I found a picture of Artist, in my opinion he has no resemblance with Arab! He seems to be of high quality though.

7. Jessica D.01/12/2007 10:39:45

Do you have any tenative dates at all? Like either this or that weekend?

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