PermaLink I have a dream 01/15/2007 08:09 AM
inspired by Martin Luther King who is remembered here in the US today, I will allow myself to dream a little bit.

I have a dream that the heavenly horse would be in the hands of good people that understand the spirit and the essence of this breed, and allow it to become again what it was, the most sought after breed in the world, with the colors of the rainbow, and so swift that it can carry you to heaven.

I have a dream that all breeders and keepers of these magnificent steeds will maintain their magnificent by never ending education and work to keep a high standard of breeding and keeping for the sacred horse. Let's not make our Tekes a cheap commodity scorned by equestrians.

I have a dream that all breeders and keepers will realise that this breed will not survive by itself but must be in the hands of the best artist of horse breeders and that we all can become artists but this is hard and never ending work.

I have a dream that this breed will be released by obscure and dysfunctional rules and regulations and be allowed to flourish in the hands of the continously improving breeders.

I have a dream that the pure and the beautiful steed will be released to roam free over the world. And to be allowed to show its greatness to all people.

Comments :v

1. Portia01/26/2007 13:19:17

Rosanna is an inspiration. She is the epitome of beauty, power and grace. She put a smile on my face for the day.

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