PermaLink The new horse generation 01/29/2007 09:13 AM
does not know what a sugar cube is!

Kimberly had her 11th birthday party last Saturday, in order to have cake Kimberly's party guests had to ride first, some of them had never been on a horse before. It's amazing to experience the transformation of a little girl once she overcome the fear of such a big powerful animal as a horse and relaxes in the saddle, straighten her back and feel the power of a horse!
Of course they also learned how to pronounce Akhal-Teke and the legend of the golden horse.
After the ride the kids offered their mount a sugar cube, we realised that many of the kids did not know what a sugar cube was! In the US most people use artificial sweeteners in bags to pour in the coffee.
Soon maybe the sugar cubes may become as rare and exclusive as the Teke breed.

Comments :v

1. Heather01/29/2007 12:29:23

My mom used to give us children sugar cubes as treats! Maybe next time use the sugar cubes to rewards the little girls, and they'll climb up in the saddle faster!
Kimberly, Happy Birthday!!!

2. Leonid01/29/2007 14:10:36

Kimberly? Happy Birthday!!!

3. Kerri-Jo Stewart01/29/2007 19:38:09

Happy Birthday Kimberly!
I bet she is an amazing rider!!

How lucky to learn on Akhal-Tekes!

4. Portia01/30/2007 15:02:07

Happy Birthday again Kimberly. Sorry I missed Paggy Sue last weekend. Had to move horses for people and work the clinic. Hope you guys might be around Saturday afternoon so I can ride Peggy.!
talk to you soon.

5. Jessica01/31/2007 11:34:39

Kimberly sends her thanks to everyone who congratulated her on her birthday!

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