PermaLink Breyer models02/01/2007 03:13 PM
I received the Akhal-Teke 2007 limited edition from Breyer last week, today I compared it to another Breyer Akhal-Teke my kids got from friends in the USA many years ago.

We were not familiar with Breyer and collection of Breyer models so of course those horses were taken out of the boxes and have served as toys for some years. However, now I have both models in front of me and can compare. The first model we got is probably a mare and she has very little in common with a Teke, except for the long legs. The color is dull yellow, neck and back is short and the croup is steep so are the shoulders. Head is dull and without expression.
The 2007 edition that is made from an existing mold originally used for a TB looks much better, the color is great, it is metallic and like with the Tekes is changes depending on the light, legs are long and the horse is in a moving pose which gives it more life. However I wouldn't say that it really has the Teke look, the flowing mane is a little bit out of place to.
But the 2007 model is a big improvement of the model we got many years ago. It can only get better, let's hope that this model is sold out quickly so that Breyer invests in a typical Teke model next time!

Comments :v

1. Darya02/01/2007 15:59:18

I suggest we write a letter to Breyer suggesting to release an AT model sculptured from the second pic on this page:

I can even sign to say that I will buy a few of these (for myself and friends).

2. Jessica 02/02/2007 07:58:53

I would vote for Piyada as the model for the next Breyer Teke.

3. Blanca02/02/2007 08:28:30

Me too, definitely. I still remember when I saw him live, in one of those parades in Ashgabat. He passed after Yanardag.

Oof, I noticed that I had tears in my eyes contemplating such beauty!

4. Jessica D.02/02/2007 10:25:59

You know you can always customize the model to make it look more can probably remove the mane quite easily. If you google customized Breyers you will probably find a bunch of stuff on it...I have not gotten the model yet but I have the same horse with the pose of an Olympic eventer named Custom Made. So I know what it looks like...just not the right color. I do agree that it is better than the last one they did...and by far better than any of the other teke models Ive seen....everyone tends to make them look ewe-necked and not right... :-/

5. Darya02/02/2007 15:45:38

I've got my Golden Mustang "Golden Collection" book today, enjoyed looking through it, a lot of interesting info on lines and many good pictures. It will be a good "reference" kind of book for me. I'm thinking of puting up the info I found there relating to my horses' pedigrees on my web. Very nice and inspiring book.

6. Kerri-Jo Stewart02/02/2007 15:56:44

Maybe the Akhal-Teke breyers will become so popular that they will get their own mold! I have the one from 1991 and ordered the new one in December but it still hasn't come in. I am also waiting for the book from Golden Mustang!

The Breyer from 1991 was the Halla mold and was called Bolya, the Akhal-Teke Freedom Horse. It represented the emerging freedoms in the USSR. I put up a lens at to auction one off for Geldy.

7. Kerri-Jo Stewart02/02/2007 17:54:57

There are some beautiful Akhal-Teke models out there. I put a few up at
White Horse productions ( will even paint one to your specifications if you want a model of a certain horse.

It's all to rich for my blood though and I'm just happy to be getting Rosanna!

8. Kerri-Jo Stewart02/13/2007 00:49:39

We finally got Rosanna - She is Emma's favorite. We will definitely have to visit you now as Emma just has to meet Rosanna!!

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