PermaLink Absent's son Abakan 02/19/2007 08:43 AM
was mentioned by Blanca in a comment

below is a picture of another dressage son of Absent, Akyn (pure bred Teke Absent - Kaska - Kemer line bred on Arab) under N. Smagina.

During the 7th National Games of the USSSR seven offspring from Absent participated in the Grand Prix, amongst them were Abakan 9 (Absent - Alupka 33 Anglo-Teke) who won silver.

In 1980 in the Cup of the USSSR he won the gold, Abakan died from shipping disease in Hannover. I found a not so good photo of Abakan that I will publish later, he has a looong back.

Other successful Absent offspring were Ak Bulak, Akdam and the mare Elba.
I have the handwritten records of the show results for Absent, Ak Bulak (Absent - Algebra-Askol Dor Bairam line), Akyn and Abakan some of these stallions, next time I have a Russian reading person available I'll make sure to have them properly translated and published.

The proven performance pedigrees of Lugovskoy is certainly interesting reading for those really interested in breeding the top performing Tekes. No other Teke stud farm has produced so many champions in classical sports as Lugovskoy and they all stem from the super stallion Arab.

Comments :v

1. Leonid02/19/2007 11:05:24

После побед Абсента на трёх Олимпиадах хорошие спортсмены с квалификацией старой советской школы стали брать его детей в спорт. При этом совершенно не интересовались текинскими лошадьми другого происхождения. А были просто волшебные текинцы, особенно у Шамборанта. Но с ними никто не работал. На всех действовала магия Абсента. Филатов безусловно работал жёстко, но грани не переступал. Признаться не верю, что можно подготовить лошадь уровня гран-при, только поцелуйчиками.

2. Leonid02/19/2007 13:15:03

I was informed that Ghelgy died two days ago.

3. Heather02/19/2007 14:42:56

Oh my goodness. My sincere sympathies to his family and many friends in the AKhal-Teke world to which he was so dedicated. This is tragic news, if it is indeed true.

4. Todd Keith02/19/2007 15:43:28

More information please!

5. Jessica02/19/2007 15:46:36

Leonid, do we know for sure that Geldy died? Is there any hope that this information is not correct?

6. Blanca02/19/2007 15:52:31

I really wish it■s not■d be such pity now that there is the possibility of an amnesty

7. Leonid02/20/2007 02:47:09

Let to waite official information.

8. Jessica02/20/2007 08:21:08

I agree Leonid, let's wait and see if we can get more info on what has happened, maybe in the meantime we have to prepare for the worst but hope for the best.

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