PermaLink Pekhimli aka Peggy Sue needs another saddle03/23/2007 12:13 PM
my fabulous italian "one- size- fits- all- my- Tekes" has pinched Peggy Sue over the withers and now she needs another saddle,

she is being prepared for her first little "blueberry show" and now we have to find another saddle, and on top of this her mane that is growing back after having been kept Teke style, grows straight up and refuses to fall down on the side, she now looks like a combination of Fjord horse and I do not know what, soon I can have her entered into the Guiness Book of Records of horses manes that ignore gravity and grows straight up. However, like all Teke lovers know, Tekes are not like other horses!

Comments :v

1. maria03/24/2007 09:36:08

On ill-fitting and well-fitting saddles, Mualim has been for his post-fitting check-up, approximately 12 weeks after we started using the new saddle and the hollow areas of wasted muscle behind the wither have improved dramatically. On the chart, he has 1.5cm more muscle behind the wither than he did before we changed saddle. It just shows, that a conventional tree saddle, when it fits well, can do wonders and one doesn't always need to start looking at treeless alternatives. As to the mane sticking up, I am up for a contest, Jessica - I am not going to concede my place in the Guiness Book of Records for sticking-up-manes that easily!

2. Jessica 03/26/2007 14:03:05

Great that Mulim likes his new saddle. We are about to get started with saddle fitting now. Wish us good luck, I'm to old and conservative to look at treeless.
Well, I'll have the lenght of the longest part of the mane that is still sticking up measured and published tomorrow, and we can compare!
To Peggy Sue's disadvantage at this point though, she was braided last Saturday in a desperate attempt from us to make the mane come down, she looked so good without the Fjord mane!

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